Little Man "T"

And by little I mean tiny. I really wanted to get these pictures up for this new mom and dad as I can’t even imagine what this must be like for them! Born at 26 weeks, I photographed this little guy when he was 2 lbs 12 oz, after having gained a whole pound in just the last week! He’s a feisty little guy, keep fighting T!

PS: I photograph babies in the NICU for free and I love to do it so please let me know if you know someone who can use these services.

Run for the doorways!

I think earthquakes are so cool. The 3.0 wake you from sleep rattle the walls type earthquakes, not the 10.0 knock your building over and kill all your friends kind. I know I’m totally a nerd, but I just felt a 3.0 and I’m so excited I’m blogging about it. Here I was, taking a power nap on the living room floor (1:51 am) next to my computer when I awoke to the walls rattling and the ground shaking.

Then, I felt another one! The second was stronger, a 3.5 (as opposed to the 3.0 several minutes earlier).

So I, of course, went immediately to this website to report it (and make sure I wasn’t crazy).

Anyone else in the area feel it?