I hope you have/had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’m so grateful I get to spend the week with these little monkeys.
Category: My Family
I’m working on a “Tips for shooting newborns” post with lots of pictures of this pretty little lady, but I couldn’t hold off from posting at least a few any longer! This is my newest niece, Lyla.
4 days new.
6 days.
9 days.
She looks perfect, right? If only we had known that after about 5 days this little missy would get her nights and days all worked out and liked to stay awake during the day. She was one of my hardest newborns ever.  I took the girl out at sunrise near the end of my trip (below) in hopes that she’d stay asleep for me. Little did we know that this was her happy time! When she started giving me these giant smiles I could hardly believe it. She did this every five minutes like clockwork for about 30 minutes.
Lyla at 10 days.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to my Gramma! Hope you enjoyed these pictures of your 11th great-grandchild!
Happy Mother’s Day!
To the mom who carried twins to full term while raising three other crazy little kids and then continued to carry us both (I’m sure we both weighed more here than all the camera gear I carry at a wedding. Moms just have arms of steel, you know).
To the mom who taught me a love of photography by taking me into a dark room at the tender age of 14. Where would I be without you?
And to the mom who forced me to learn how to cook and become awesome at it (um, due to not cooking amidst college classes and raising 5 kids) 😉 and to always use real butter and make brownies from scratch.
I love you Mom!
Happy March!
Raise your hand if you can’t believe it’s already March! Who’s excited for Spring to get here? Claire is!
Portrait of a child…in 17 seconds
Unamused. Extremely so.
We got her!
I had a few minutes to visit my brothers family back in December, most of which were spent taking pictures of Halle. I wish I remember now what we did to make her smile, but that first picture cracks me up.