It’s official!

I graduated! Granted, I could have graduated much earlier, but if I had I wouldn’t share my graduation day with the birthday of my newest nephew (born at the U of U hospital…our rival).

For those who don’t know the story, this little guy surprised us all by coming 4 weeks early! My sister and her husband and 2 kids were moving to Minnesota from California when her water broke in Winnemucca, Nevada! It was a bit of a frantic day for us all, but they made it to SLC and she delivered safely early the next morning. 6 lb 4 oz, 19 inches long! Besides being a bit yellow he’s perfectly healthy. It was so fun to all be there (my mom, my pregnant twin sister with our other sister on the phone, and the baby’s dad of course) when the kid popped out and we discovered he was a he! He got down to around 5 lbs 12 oz so I’m going to have a tiny little peanut to photograph when I get back to Utah in a couple of days! Stay tuned for lots and lots of pictures.

Unfortunately, due to not sleeping the night before, I fell asleep plenty of times during my own graduation, but hey, I graduated!

And no, he still doesn’t have a name. Update. His name is Max.

Welcome to the world little man!

Mammoth Men!!!

I’m home for a few hours of sleep (and apparently blogging) before I head out again to the land of no internet, but I pretty much would have shot myself before waiting 4 more days to post these pictures.

I went to the BluDomain party Tuesday night at the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas (part of my WPPI extravaganza) and got a few shots of some of my favorite people :). The Mammoth Men were featured and the 12 guys each karaoke’d for us. It was special.

Bobbi sure knows how to rock.
Mammoth Men wives rocked the floor like groupies, which made for some great shots!
Michael Norwood got down with his bad self.

Matt Sloan showed us how to rock the air guitar like a superstar.

Nate, well, he glistened.

And proved that he’s a rockstar.
Chantastic killed it.
Meet the suave Gabriel Ryan
Justin and Amelia Lyon taught us all about thongs and the cool way to wear red pants with pink shoes. And yellow skinny jeans.
Mark Brooke got everyone feelin’ it. Especially Gabriel.
Kyle Barnes somehow got Jeff to start taking off his clothes.
Jeremy Parsons swooned us. And his wife on her voicemail. At 2 am.

A quick photo-op with Mammoth Men wives plus Jessica Claire! My head looks huge. I know.
Eligible bachelor Fred Egan everyone…The ONLY single mammoth men.
Jory Cordy amazed us all with his mad skillz.
And Jeff Newsom, well, lets just say he knows how to ROCK.
I think it’s obvious.
Dave and Quin partied right along with the rest of us.


Best. Party. EVER.

Christmas is really over??

I’m taking a much needed break this next week (anyone who knows my sleep schedule of late, or lack of one, is probably breathing a sigh of relief), so until January 5th I will be mostly unavailable. I will respond to emergencies, but mostly I’ll have very little (maybe no) cell service (thank you Sprint) and will probably try to stay away from the computer.

And as a final picture, here’s a beautiful little fairy princess :).