It’s that time again!
Okay, so I’ve never actually made mid-year resolutions (and rarely new years resolutions for that matter), but I feel it’s time. Living out of a suitcase/my car in California/Africa/London/Paris/Utah/Washington/North Carolina for the last 6 months has not been good to me. Well, in many cases it has been and I have intensely enjoyed it. However, my diet has suffered horribly. My stomach has been the unfortunate recipient of an over abundance of mouth-watering Mexican food, exquisite fish and chips in London, to-die-for crepes in Paris, my mother’s home cooking (hahahahaha, okay, I haven’t suffered much from that, no offense mom, *she just doesn’t cook), 5 weeks of please-don’t-remind-me African cuisine, the occasional In-N-Out burger, and several trips to some very addicting ice cream shops. While I miraculously haven’t become 50 pounds overweight, I decided I DO need to do something about my eating habits so I don’t die from organ failure or stomach cancer or something.
SO, I propose, my mid-year resolutions:
1. Eat healthy (yeah, so specific, I know).
2. Eat mostly organic, and only natural, foods (thank you Trader Joe’s, and SoCal for having a TJ’s).
3. Eat lots of (raw and not so raw) fruits and veggies and lots of good fats (mmm, avacado…).
4. Take my daily Rainbow Light food-based multivitamin.
5. Take my daily dose of irresistable cod liver oil.
6. Vitamin C baby.
7. NO more sweets (besides my religious daily dose of 70-88% dark chocolate. It’s heart healthy!). (okay, I can eat like one really bad thing for me every month. Most likely ice cream. I love it. So much.)
8. Limit dairy (kefir is a-okay).
9. Limit meat, try to eat fish (I love fish, just don’t think I have ever actually cooked it myself, this could get interesting).
10. Eat out only if it’s a social thing (like with other photographers) and when I do, choose healthy options and bag up half that sucker if I have to as soon as it hits the table (did this last week at Cheesecake factory, actually, it was about 3/4, they threw the whole chicken on that plate!)
11. Drink lots and lots of water from my environmentally friendly/no weird leeching plastic chemicals/BPA-free Klean Kanteen.
I should probably throw something in about exercising…but that can be next years mid-year resolution. I can’t do everything dangit!
SO, if you know me, meet me, like me, or hate me, now you know why I’m going to be turning down your cookie or becoming obssesive at restaurants. Please, don’t tempt me!
Now that you know, you must hold me to it. If you see a piece of chocolate ganache cake in my hands please run at me full force and karate chop it from my grip. You may need a crow bar to pry it from my fingers. But I will thank you in the long run.
Anything I left out?
*all bets are off when i’m traveling…okay, not all, but i’m not dragging around a cooler with my cod liver oil when i go to mexico
David&Kimi, lol! I take the cod liver oil at night, with a little bit of juice, and I never have to deal with the flavored burps :). I bet that’s why you’re such an awesome photographer now, you should go thank your mom!
oh NOOOOOOO!!!!! cod liver oil!! my arch enemy! i had to take that as a kid and every time i burped i got to taste that “awesomeness” all over again! i must admit i know it’s good for you!
Good luck!!! And next time you see my kids, let them know that I inherited all those “other” great qualities that mom is talking about, so they might one day understand why daddy doesn’t let mommy in the kitchen ;o)
You are so cute. I think it’s good to set goals and try to be better.. You look great though! But it doesn’t matter what you or anyone looks like it is important to eat right! 😉 Btw, I didn’t realize you were interning for the image is found! I am obsessed with their work!! That’s so awesome!!
Great resolutions. A true Californian. And I hear your mom has a LOT of great qualities to make up for the fact that she doesn’t cook. : )
I am going to have to work so hard not to be all bloated from the yummy food in Mexico. Also to not get sunburnt. I don’t think they have Trader Joe’s down there though Kell…