Monthly Tutorials?

Hi to all of my friends, family, and nameless blog stalkers (no hating, I am a total self-proclaimed blog stalker). For the last several months I’ve been considering doing a bimonthly or monthly post with tutorials and/or a question/answer section. I get lots of emails and phone calls from old friends and strangers (or new friends :)) asking questions and I would love to start getting those answers out to more people and let people know they don’t need to be afraid to ask questions!

Most of what I know I learned from asking questions and looking to other photographers and I really think that I’d be selfish to not help out other people as I’ve been helped. I know a lot of photographers like to keep their “secrets” as far as locations and work flow etc, but that’s their way of doing things. I truly think networking and sharing are the best ways for building businesses and friendships and there’s no need to be cut-throat or believe “every man for himself” in this business.

Believe me, I know I’m not an expert in the industry, but they DID force us to learn a few things during those 4 pesky years at college as well as these years with personal experience and I would especially love questions about how to do certain things that I’m already doing (this probably means I’m lazy). Topics can range from basic camera use (exposure, aperture, white balance) to business questions or what kind of gear I buy/software I use as well as photoshop…stuff. If I don’t know an answer I’ll do my best to figure it out!

I have no idea if I’m being self-delusional or not, so answer my poll and let me know if you think this is a good idea and will participate or if it’s really just a waste of time :).

If you have specific questions you’d like to be answered in a post or a tutorial you’d like to see me do feel free to leave a comment at any time and I’ll save them up or email me at kelli (at) with the subject line “blog post tutorial (or blog post question).” Thanks everyone!

12 thoughts on “Monthly Tutorials?

    • Kelli Nicole says:

      I love shooting in the snow! As long as it’s overcast, that is. It can create beautiful light and skin tones. I recommend shooting on manual on the verge of blowing out the snow, without quite blowing it out. Lots of dslr’s have the option to cause any blown highlights to blink black on the display on the back of the camera. I recommend using that! Hopefully, I’ll be in a snow-filled place for Christmas, so I’ll do a shoot while I’m there to specifically address the technicalities of shooting in snow. If it’s isn’t overcast try to shoot in shady places in the early morning or evening when the light isn’t as harsh.

      I just thought of something…do you mean shooting people in the snow? Or snow landscapes?

  1. Alexandra says:

    I always think it's so amazing when photographers do this. Just like you, the only way I learned was through the sharing of knowledge of other photographers online. As far as I'm concerned – there's nothing wrong with sharing your knowledge – and if people don't like it or need the help, then who cares? You're not forcing them to read it 🙂 So go for it! Good luck!

  2. Britt says:

    I am totally your blog stalker. I would love tutorials. I am starting a photography business after doing it as a hobby for the last several years, so any info would be super welcome.

  3. Emily says:

    Did I spell that right?
    I'm so excited to learn more from you. Remember our mom/daughter shoot and those few tips you gave me? I use them ALL the time. And I love Actions in photoshop now, thanks to your advice! BRING ON THE TUTORIALS!

  4. James and Sarah Narramore says:

    I am SOOO glad you are going to do this. I just decided that I want to start taking some photography classes and am going to need some help! What kind of camera do you use?

  5. Jenna Cole says:

    Dang, what a great response! I'm so excited to read all of your posts even though I ask all of these questions on a daily basis. 🙂

  6. April HelleDickson says:

    I'm probably going to ask you a ton of questions. First off- do you save the RAW file and the final version? And how are you organizing your backup?

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