Symphony is an amazing little girl. She was born early at only around 2 lbs (if I remember correctly). Can you believe that this beautiful chubby little lady was ever so tiny?? She was such a sweetheart.
There’s something about this shot of Symphony and her mama that I just adore.
Ha! Love this face she’s giving me.
She was such a happy baby!
Thanks for being such a good model :).
what a cutie!!! i LOVE that first picture! you are amazing Kelli! oh and the one of her and her mama… melt! they are all wonderful!
Oh my gosh. I LOVE these. I LOVE the one with her mama. It touches my heart. . . . but they are all adorable. I love the two little pig tails. Great job.
Adorable is right! Love the name too!
Adorable! She has such a sweet little face!