
Elisabeth is a friend of a friend and she came up with a very thoughtful gift for her parents. She decided to capture some pictures of herself for Christmas (she’s an only child and what parents wouldn’t love that?!?).

We headed downtown to some locations I have used before…yet discovered several new areas too!  My boyfriend came along again to second-shoot and kept an eye out for rockin’ areas to shoot.  Several of the shots below are his!

The first half of these pictures were all taken within a few blocks of each other. Good job downtown Houston!

One of my favorite shots of her (below) was taken by my boyfriend!  He claims he had an excellent teacher, but I think it’s mainly talent.

I went a little crazy with all the following “24” shots.  Surprisingly, we have the same favorite number! Turns out we have much more in common. Among other things, we both turned 24 this year (less than a month apart and for her it was 24 on the 24th), and we met our significant others in similar ways.  Needless to say, it was fun getting to know each other.

My view:

My BF’s view:

* Any of the shots that look like I’m 6′ 8″ were taken with me on top of my BF’s shoulders.

Gordon & Katrina engaged!

Katrina and Gordon are a super fun couple I know from church and their engagement session was the generous wedding gift from two other friends! One of those friends came along and second-shot. Some of these locations we just randomly found as we were driving around.

It rained/misted on us intermittently the entire time and everyone took it in good stride! We hardly even used the umbrellas (though we were protecting the cameras like mad) and Katrina and Gordon both looked amazing throughout :).

Want to know how I managed this next shot with my short self?? Keep scrolling.

Me, in all my wet, cold, trying-to-protect-myself-from-the-wind-and-rain glory.

I got that above shot the same way I got this one…

All I needed was one awesome boyfriend. It was his idea. He’s a genius.

This was almost as fun as the double date we went with these two to a sketchy mini golf place a few weeks ago :). Congratulations!

Dustin and Crystal

This was my first real shoot in Houston and this gorgeous couple is now getting married this week! I was already booked up for their wedding date, but I’m soooo glad I got to do their engagements. We found so many awesome locations, some really close to where I live.

Aren’t they stunning?? I get the best clients.

My boyfriend came along to shoot with me and he did such an amazing job!! Especially since I didn’t really do a good job of instructing him beforehand (oops). He took the shot below and I’m so proud of him! My favorite part is the bottom right corner ;).

Thanks so much Dustin and Crystal! I can’t wait to hang out after you’re an old married couple :).

This is Houston

Who’s up for a shoot in Houston?? I never knew how much I would love this city, but I do. So far. My BYU photographer friend Whitney who’s in town for a few months wanted to go on a walk along the Buffalo Bayou trail (I think that’s what it’s called) from her apt to downtown so I took my camera along. After about 30 minutes I seriously regretted it, but once we got to the rockin’ parts I was SO happy. These are all taken with my brand spankin’ new Canon 5D Mark II (which I’m in-love with) and the Canon 50 mm 1.2.

These were all either IN downtown or really close to downtown under the overpasses. I LOVE those overpasses.

Please forgive us for being in running clothes with no make-up or showers, but I didn’t expect to love these pictures enough to blog them!